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Aluminium (chemical symbol - Al) is the third most abundant element present in the earth's crust. It exists in a very stable combination with other materials particularly silicates and oxides.
It is resistant to common atmospheric gases and a wide range of liquids. Hence, aluminium is known for its durability and high resale value.
Aluminium is a unique metal; which is light weight, strong, durable, flexible, and impermeable. It is rust resistant and is 100% recyclable.

Demand and Supply
In 2012, global primary aluminium production was 40.974 million metric tonnes (MMT), up from 39.930 MMT in 2011.
Global primary aluminium consumption rose to 48.075 MMT in 2012, compared with 44.594 MMT in 2011.

Global Scenario
World primary aluminum production increased in 2012 compared to the production in 2011, as a result of starting new smelters and restarting smelters that had been shut down in 2008 and early 2009.
Major aluminium exporting countries are Germany, Russia and Canada, while major aluminium importing countries are USA, Germany and China.

Indian Scenario
Currently, India is the fifth largest producer of aluminium in the world with an average annual production of 171,3924 MT.
Indian aluminium industry consists of four primary producers: Hindalco, NALCO (a Government of India enterprise), BALCO, and Vedanta Aluminium are the four major aluminium producing companies in India.

Factors Influencing the Market
Aluminium prices in India are fixed on the basis of the rates that rule on the international spot market, and Indian Rupee and US Dollar exchange rates.
Economic events such as national industrial growth, global financial crisis, recession, and inflation affect metal prices.
Commodity-specific events such as the construction of new production facilities or processes, new uses or the discontinuance of historical uses, unexpected mine or plant closures (natural disaster, supply disruption, accident, strike, and so forth), or industry restructuring, all affect metal prices.
Trade policies set by the Government (implementation or suspension of taxes, penalties, and quotas) affect supply as they regulate (restricting or encouraging) material flow.
Geopolitical events involving governments or economic paradigms and armed conflict can cause major changes.
As societies develop, their demand for metal increases based on their current economic position, which could also be referred as ‘National Economic Growth Factor’.